Tarot Art Studio

by Roxana Paul

Rustic Fortune Tarot


A tarot deck based on vintage ads to represent the common folk life and values.

Designed in the style of rustic tin signs.

Before the invention of neon signs, vintage tin signs were the most popular form of advertising. These signs, often made of tin or metal, were used to advertise products since the late 19th century. They were a cheap and effective way to get a message out to the public. These signs were often decorated with detailed illustrations. They were often used to advertise products such as cigarettes, candy, and soda.

Today, the popularity of vintage tin signs is due to the nostalgia they evoke. People are often drawn to the vintage look and feel of these signs and the memories they recall. Vintage tin signs remind us of simpler times and can trigger fond memories of childhood. 

Vintage tin signs also have a timeless quality to them. The designs used often remain relevant today, even though the products they advertise may have changed. 

The Rustic Fortune Tarot is a tarot deck that captures the spirit of vintage advertising in the style of the 1950-1970s.  Here, the symbols of the tarot and the signs of everyday life are beautifully merged in a deck of 120 cards. Each card is heavily “rusted” and “scratched” in Photoshop to deliver you the most authentic look of an aged tin sign.
With the Rustic Fortune Tarot you will start to see the signs that direct you into your future everywhere. Next time you fuel your tank recall the Temperance card. Drinking a tropical cocktail will remind you The Sun card.
The Rustic Fortune Tarot Deck is a retro tarot deck for everyone.

About the cards

  • The size of the cards is 70 mm x 120 mm(~2.75 x 4.75 inches)
  • 24 Major Arcana cards (added an extra The High Priestess card and XXII Fortune Teller card)
  • 56 Minor Arcana cards: The suits of Pleasures (wands), Drinks (cups), Meals (pentacles), and Tools (swords).
  • Booster set: 40 fun cards featuring alians, memes, and travel cards
  • Booklet: 8-page folded LWB with keywords
  • Inner tuck box to protect cards during transportation
  • Tin box, spacious to hold 120 cards
  • Outer carton sleeve to protect the tin box during transportation, contains the authentic deck number #/1000
  • Earth friendly: No plastic packaging

3 Replies to “Rustic Fortune Tarot”

  • I’m really attracted to your new tarot deck! What a clever idea for your images. I love old vintage signs. Your tag line, “Trust in Rust” is delightful! I wish you the very best of luck with your Rustic Fortune Tarot.

  • Can’t wait for this. Hope we get the opportunity to buy the Ausyralian tarot as zn add on as well as its the only deck by you I don’t have and I’ve been trying to get a copy for a very long time x x susie

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